Welcome to 6H Term 2’s e-magazine. This term we are featuring Information Communication and Technology (ICT) to help you understand why we are using more ICTs than we have in the past.
Your child has progressed well so far this year; they are learning to work with their peers in 6H and are respecting the Orange Grove Road State School behaviour code. To help your child achieve more from their learning we are encouraging your child to safely explore the digital world. Our goal is that your child will learn through the use of ICT, not just learn how to use ICT’s.
When your child completes school they may be entering a university, joining the workforce or starting other training such as a trade. Whatever choice your child makes for their future it is very probable they will need to use technology and they will need some key skills such as networking, collaborating, sharing, researching, creating documents or programs, authenticating information, as well as learning to be safe in online environments.
This is going to be our focus for the ICT component of our curriculum.
Feel free to contact me or visit my blog for more information on how we are using ICTs in 6H.
Amber Nottage.
A Note From Our Editor