FUSE Winter 2015-2016 | Page 4

iSCIENCE Planets on Eclipse o rm e p u S e h T g in Watch 015 28th September 2 by Mia “Hi! and I love a Mi I’m best of to dance, sing and ion is Emma all, act. My inspirat Educated but Watson. I am Home an acting school, would like to go to ity. I ha ve joined an college and Univers being creative Acting Agency, like .” and also love sports ly✸the✸ night✸was✸probab e✸ h ✸t of t✸ ar ✸p ve fa that✸point✸ “I✸would✸say✸my✸ hy?✸Because✸at✸ .✸W id d e✸ ✸w g in ✸with✸ first✸moon-watch ts✸were✸so✸busy en ar p y✸ ✸m d an ... ld ✸sit✸in✸ it✸wasn't✸TOO✸co ice✸I✸had✸gone✸to ot n t✸ n' id ✸d ey h ✸t e✸it✸the✸ the✸camera✸that bably✸what✸mad ro P !✸( se lip ec e✸ h ✸t ose!✸✸✸✸✸✸)✸ the✸car✸to✸watch ho✸does✸come✸cl W r✸ to oc D g✸ in ch at best,✸although✸w een✸ ost✸like✸it✸had✸b lm ✸a d n ✸a al ic ag d✸m of✸stars✸ The✸moon✸looke ✸the✸sky✸was✸full✸ d n !✸A ie ov ✸m ry ca taken✸out✸of✸a✸s ng.✸ ;✸truly✸breathtaki ar le ✸c o ✸s as ✸w ✸it because into✸a✸ ✸them✸together✸ ut ✸p nd ✸a os ot ph e✸ ll✸–✸we✸ My✸Dad✸took✸thes ime✸and✸saw✸it✸a ✸t le ho ✸w he ✸t re ✸the sequence.✸I✸was ✸a✸telescope!”✸ didn't✸even✸need hire. Mia, age 10, Ha mps FACT FILE : MOON ✰✸The✸September✸2015 'lunar ✰✸A supermoon✸is✸when✸a✸ eclipse' was✸particularly✸ unusual✸as✸it✸was✸also✸a✸ 'supermoon'✸and✸a 'harvest moon'. round✸'full✸moon'✸(or✸the✸ almost✸invisible✸'new✸moon')✸ travels✸super-close✸to✸Earth✸ at✸the✸'perigee'✸of✸its✸orbit.✸ ✰✸A✸lunar eclipse✸takes✸place✸ ✰✸A✸harvest moon✸is✸the✸full✸ when✸light✸from✸the✸sun✸ can't✸get✸to✸our✸'lunar'✸moon✸ because✸planet✸Earth✸is✸in✸the✸ way✸and✸casts✸a✸shadow!✸ 4 FUSE moon✸closest✸to✸the✸'autumn equinox'. ✰✸Harvest✸moons✸oft✸en✸appear✸ unusually✸large✸and✸bright✸ -even✸a✸mysterious✸'blood✸ red'✸or✸orange✸colour.✸This✸ looks✸very✸spooky✸but✸is✸ actually✸just✸an✸illusion.✸ ✰✸Next✸supermoon:✸ 14th✸November✸2016.✸ ✰✸Next✸supermoon✸eclipse:✸ 14th/15th✸April✸2033.✸