FURC Program 2018 Conference | Page 9

Many Centers for Undergraduate Research (CUR) offices have a limited number of staff members. Therefore, involving undergraduate leaders in CUR office activities significantly extends the reach over the student body. The Center for Undergraduate Research Board of Students (CURBS) at University of Florida is an excellent example of undergraduate students collaborating with the CUR office. CURBS has more than 70 ambassadors which promote and enhance the undergraduate research experience at UF through peer advising, workshops, student outreach, and representation in our University’s Administrative Committees. This type of involvement has not only allowed ambassadors to grow as students and leaders, but has also been mentioned multiple times as a significant experience in interviews for graduate and professional schools, internships and post-graduate jobs. This session will outline the advantages of this involvement, the services provided by CURBS, and guide students into creating or improving their own research based student leadership groups. Your Path to Graduate School & Career Success Starts Today Betsy Crawford, Florida State University Building 7, Room 108C As an undergraduate student involved in research, you are already a strong candidate for competitive graduate school programs. Learn how earning a graduate degree can support career success and the steps to take now to boost your application. The workshop includes an overview of resources available to create an outstanding application and a preparation timeline that will keep you ahead of the game. 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Workshop #2 Building 7 A Proposal for the 2019 Florida Undergraduate Research Leadership Summit Sophia Anagnostis, Stephanie Ciricillo, Adrian Acuna Higaki and Jamarcus Robertson, University of Florida Building 7, Room 114 The Center for Undergraduate Research Board of Students (CURBS) at the University of Florida is proposing a summit for undergraduate student leaders to share best practices and discuss how to enhance the undergraduate research experience. CURBS’s proposal will provide an opportunity for student leaders throughout the state to engage in improving the undergraduate research experience. Many Florida institutions have student-led groups involved in the goals of their undergraduate research office. We are inviting all undergraduate student leaders to be involved in the planning committee of this summit. This session will serve as the first student exchange of ideas and as a way to become part of the Summit Planning Committee. Navigating Research and Graduate School with a Learning DisABILITY: Technology Solutions, Self-Advocacy and Strategies for Success Jaime Craighead, Beacon College Building 7, Room 111 The transition from undergraduate to graduate education, particularly in research-intensive graduate programs, can be a challenge. It is not uncommon for students to get an initial diagnosis of a learning disABILITY while in graduate school. The increased time spent reading, working on research projects, screen time on computers and very little time for outside activity can tax anyone’s visual system and attention span. For those with diagnosed or undiagnosed learning disabilities, being informed about the technology solutions commonly used by students with learning disabilities can assist graduate students to be successful in their courses and research endeavors. This presentation will provide an overview of technology solutions and strategies that can be used by anyone involved in research to maximize their productivity. Self-advocacy and navigating the process for seeking accommodations at large research universities will also be discussed. Avoiding the Dark Side: Cases in Research Ethics Tracy Baker and Jennie Soberon, Florida Atlantic University Building 7, Room 100 Although research ethics are often discussed in black-and-white terms such as what is “right” and what is “wrong,” sometimes it is hard to judge the light side from the dark side. Join us for an interactive presentation where “The Force” Eastern Florida State College 6