9:30 - 10:15 a.m.
Workshop #1
Building 7
Innovative Methods To Conduct Quality Research With Little-To-No-Funding
Scott Herber, Eastern Florida State College
Building 7, Room 114
Research and academia are historically based in tradition. It is this tradition that can both a friend and a foe to a
budding researcher. Traditionally, funding for research is acquired from federal, state, and local governmental agencies
through the granting process. As research has progressed and the availability of funds have been significantly reduced,
the competition for those monies has increased exponentially. The average student finds themselves competing against
seasoned researchers for slivers of funds. This unbalanced process with little alternative direction from mentors has
created discouragement among students to pursue any form of research. This workshop intends to break away from
the traditional grant funding mindset and enlighten students on the varying alternative avenues of accomplishing their
research goals with little-to-no-funding while maintaining the quality and integrity of the research.
Reverse-Engineering the Resume of Your Dreams through Research Experience
Rebecca McLean, Aaron Santomauro, Leslie Simms and George Walters-Marrah, University of Central Florida
Building 7, Room 111
This panel of student ambassadors from the University of Central Florida will discuss how to plan out an undergraduate
research experience that helps you reach your post-graduation goals. Developing the resume of your dreams is
possible. These students have participated in paid summer programs and internships, traveled to national conferences,
submitted their work for publication, and received funding to support their research activities. They will share how
they planned ahead to make it all happen and how you can, too.
Planning your way to a Successful Conference Experience
Kelsey Eagen and Ashley Smith, University of North Florida
Building 7, Room 100
Attending a conference is a unique and rewarding experience; however, conferences can often be confusing and
stressful. They elicit a number of plaguing questions such as, what do I do at the reception? With whom should
I network and why? How does one “network”? Which poster sessions should I attend? This interactive workshop,
designed for both experienced and inexperienced conference goers, aims to provide some answers to these questions
and help prep