Frum Jewish Books Nissan 5775/2015 | Page 5 Pesach 2015 Reviews, Hebrew, History, LASHON HAKODESH: HISTORY, HOLINESS & HEBREW BY RABBI REUVEN CHAIM KLEIN Lashon Hakodesh: History, Holiness & Hebrew by Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is one of the most exciting and intellectually stimulating books I and the other reviewers at have read in a long time. Everyone here insisted on have a chance to read it. in this ground-breaking work, blasts it open with questions that leave the reader reeling Why didn’t I ever ask that? Here’s a sampler:   Not to be blunt, but you should, too.    We daven in Lashon Hakodesh every single day – but how much do we know about it? Rabbi Klein takes what seems like a mundane topic – the Hebrew language – and What language did Adam speak in Gan Eden? Out of Gan Eden? What language were people speaking before the Tower of Babel? At Har Sinai? Why was Avraham Avinu called an Ivri? What was the original Hebrew script? Does Lashon Hakodesh borrow from other languages or is it the other way around? Are Arabic and Aramaic separate languages, or just corruptions of Lashon Hakodesh? Does Aramaic have kedusha? For many of the questions, there are no definite answers. In fact, it’s shocking just how many different opinions and theories there are.