We started Frumjewishbooks.com to help you find the books you want to read; to make
FrumJewishBooks.com between books, authors and readers.
Pesach 2015
Have you got your reading list for Chol Hamoed ready? Figured
which book you want for your afikoman present?
We hope you'll enjoy this selection of books that we've featured or reviewed
recently on Frumjewishbooks.com. We are well aware that not everyone with
email has the internet and access to our website.
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Therefore, this newsletter presents our most recent
Welcome to the first
posts and reviews in a pdf format that readers with eissue of Frum Jewish
mail but no internet can also enjoy.
Books Magazine, the
As a reminder, we feature frum Jewish books at our
newsletter from
frumjewishbooks.com! discretion and at the author's request. Every once in a
while, we review a book that particularly struck us We hope you'll enjoy
for good reasons.
the selection of books
We do not post bad reviews - we're not interested in
we've chosen and that
lashon hara.
you'll discover hours of
learning and reading
Just because we feature, rather than review a book,
however, doesn't mean it isn't great and you shouldn't
try it!
And of course: Chag
kasher vesame'ach!
Our goal is to publicize frum Jewish books to the
widest possible audience and to make our readers
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aware of books they might want to read.
Think of us as book shadchanim - you are readers, we've read books. It's a match!