Cancer; after losing my mother
to Ovarian Cancer at the tender
age of 10.
Well, I was forced to have to face
that fear head-on, after I lost my
sister Marie on September 21,
2019 and the pain just seems to
keep getting worse.
I just can’t quite bring myself
to accepting the fact that she’s
really gone. I’m forced to have to
remain faithful that my beloved
sister is now in the presence of
God and she’s watching over
us with a great big smile, fully
my most important possession,
the LIFE that God has given
me. I’ll spend each minute
purposefully, making today a
unique opportunity. I’ll tackle
each obstacle knowing that with
God’s help I can overcome it and
everything that comes with it.
Today, I will resist doubt and
pessimism and warm
my world
with a
“Life isn’t always easy so
I try not to focus on the
challenges that I’m
forced to face but on
how to overcome
those challenges.”
God determines
the number of
our days, but it’s
left completely
up to us how
they are spent.
Yesterday is a
cancelled check;
tomorrow is a
promissory note,
and today is all
we’ve got.
I decided to delete
2 days from my
& Yesterday. Only
because Yesterday was
for learning; Tomorrow
will be a consequence of
what I do today.
Today I’m declaring that I will
face LIFE with the conviction that
this day will never return. That
it may be the last opportunity
I’ll have to contribute because
there’s NO guarantee I’ll see
Today, I will be courageous
enough not to allow any
opportunities to pass me by;
my ONLY alternative will be to
succeed. smile.
I’ll maintain
strong faith,
expect nothing but the best, take
time to be happy, see every task
as an opportunity to honor the
Lord, and endeavor to leave His
footprints on the hearts of those
I meet.
Today, I am making a promise
to myself to; invest my most
valuable resource, my time, into OUR TIME