Frosty's Flava Magazine ART & SOUL BASEL 2019 EDITION | Page 48

WORD FROM THE PUBLISHER November | December 2019 | ART & SOUL BASEL EDITION DEDICATED TO MY SISTER: MARIE NICOLE BOADU 1.21.71 - 9.21.19 “We don’t look, act, or dress alike. We all have different tastes when it comes to food, cars, books and music. We work at different jobs, enjoy different hobbies but the one thing that we ALL have in common is that; “Suffering Is Universal.” T HEREFORE, we all know what it means to hurt & to be fearful. Pain & Fear are the same for Jews, Muslims, Christians, Blacks, Whites, Children, Adults and the Elderly. When life hurts and our dreams fade we express our anguish in different ways, but we all know and have experienced the sting of pain, heartache, disease, disasters, trials and suffering. If you venture off to build a business targeted to help bring healing to those who are suffering; you will always have customers, because there’s a few broken hearts in every group. Fear always presents itself much bigger than it really is. It’s always the worst-case scenario. It always tries to get us worried, anxious, uptight and panicked. Fear’s goal is to separate us from God by trying to get us to doubt His Word. But when the spirit of fear comes, we need to recognize that it has no power unless we give it power. A famous poet once wrote; “Solitude” - “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; WEEP, and you weep alone.” Another poet said; “We laugh, play and celebrate together… WHY is it so difficult to cry together?” One of my biggest fears was the possibility of losing my closest sister & 2nd mom to Cervical