Frosty's Flava Magazine ART & SOUL BASEL 2019 EDITION | Page 14

Junk Food-A Sunday Sermon Pastor Eldrick Johnson: Good morning folk! Let the church say Amen! (Amen) Amen! (Amen) Amen! (Amen) As always, welcome to the Greater New Bethel Methodist Baptist Church of Christ. Today we have a visiting passa who will be blessing us wit a sermon to nourish our spirit and fill our hearts. Without further ado I present Brotha Brandt Edwards. G REAT Risings family! Thank you Pastor Johnson for inviting me to speak to your congregation and hopefully bless their hearts with an encouraging word of grace and wisdom. I will refer to two (2) scriptures in the good book to bring my message home on this fine Sunday. Please turn to Genesis 1:29 in your Bibles. “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” Now place a bookmark there and turn to Revelation 22:2. The scripture reads, “In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, the tree of life, which bare twelve fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree for the healing of the nations. Now close your Bibles and let’s discuss this further. We can interpret this in several ways. Let’s address both and speak on the herbs & fruits. If you’re familiar with Dr. Sebi, he believed everyone, especially those of African descent, should follow a plant-based diet. It’s been theorized that we’re more herbivores than carnivores as all of the largest and leanest land-based animals prescribe to a plant-based diet. But I’m not here to talk about rhinos, gazelles and elephants or how being vegan is the craze. Let’s talk about our real issue. Let me speak to you about our junk food consumption. Now saints I can’t talk! Because I’ve been known to consume an elixir or two (2) that’s 80 proof and scarf down a juicy flamed broiled burger on occasion. But we know junk food is detrimental; hindering our ability to reach our higher selves. But it isn’t only food that has low nutritional value; it’s really anything or anyone you’re exposed to that brings no value to your being. (The musician warms up the organ) And just like a soda has “empty calories”, people have a tendency of coming into your life void of substance. Ya see... junk food is low in satiation value. Well what does that mean pastor? It means you don’t feel as full when you eat or drink it. Have you ever had someone come into your life, and though you share a bond and have known them for years they don’t satisfy your palate? You converse and hangout, yet you don’t quite feel fulfilled after being in their presence? (The deaconesses nod their heads) That’s junk food! Now walk with me saints! Isn’t junk food easy to find? (Preach pastor) It’s readily available at restaurant chains and corner stores around the city in the form of French fries, chicken nuggets, shakes, potato chips energy drinks and cookies. Now look down at your phones... I see some of y’all! Can’t stay