From Blah to Glimmer From Blah to Glimmer Edition 1. | Page 4

Why confidence doesn't get things done (the truth)

Recently I chatted to Elaine Lockard on the SuperNova Podcast and the topic of confidence came up. I knew it would, seeing that she is a Confidence and Credibility alchemist. Now, there’s some merit in what she said – but it’s really easy to get swept up into thinking the wrong thing entirely.

Every fashionista (and non-conformist agree) it seems to be all the rage doesn’t it? Yup, it seems no matter who you are, or where you’re from, the common conception is that confidence is on the must have list.

Well. I would like you to re-consider that. Seriously!

But before we get into that, I want you to listen to the podcast yourself and see if you get what I mean. After all there was a bucket of magic moments and inspirations that deserve not to be missed.

Welcome back, I hope that you enjoyed tuning into your greatness in that podcast (coz it really is all about you!). Let’s get back to the topic on everyone’s lips.