Fresh Start June 2016 | Page 24

God’s Love Through Motherhood By Iris Raeshaun    This recent Mother’s Day brought me many wonderful memories of parenthood. All of the beautiful pictures of people with their mothers posted on social media sites were a joy to see.  I remembered the overwhelming love I felt with my first born twenty-some years ago. I considered God’s endless and indescribable love for mankind. Nelle was almost born at The Troubadour, In Laurel, Mississippi where I was dancing the night away. Checking in Forrest General Hospital  at 6:30 a.m., Dr. Kelly R. O’Neal told me to gear up for a day of labor, that I wouldn’t deliver until late evening. During the labor, my family chatted in anticipation. I was pleasantly surprised that my fourth grade math teacher came, Cora Ella Magee, and was on hand ready to help me breathe and count. For a short minute, however, I felt impolite for not conversing much. I was wondering how I was 24 supposed to be dignified delivering a baby with them standing around gapping. It’s hard enough having a gynecologist exam. This seemed just as bad, or worse. But after a few intense contractions, I could have been back on The Troubadour dance floor with hundreds of people standing around and it wouldn’t have mattered one bit.   I didn’t know how my life was about to change. Six hours later Dr. O’Neal and his nurses ushered me into a delivery room, where he told me to push hard at the count of three. He was, is, a great doctor but slow counter. This is where my math teacher could have come in.   After an eternity, I gazed into a set of consuming irides glaring back at me. Suddenly, like the wind, there entered into the room an overwhelming, swelling presence of love. I feared