Partner of The Month
Tell us about yourself?I was born on January 3 in Houston, TX to Anita Garrett and
Richard Woods. I spent four years of my childhood in Montgomery, AL in which my dad
is from. I also have one older sister and a 7-year-old nephew. I am a full-time student at
the University of Texas pursuing my Master of Public Health in Health Promotion and
Behavioral Sciences. I began first two years as an undergrad at Prairie View A & M University and completed my second two years at Texas Woman’s University with a Bachelor
of Science in Health Studies. I aspire work in the field of chronic disease prevention/
management. I love music and love to dance. I am also a positive-minded, fun-loving
individual who loves learning new things. Last, but certainly not least, I love the Lord.
Favorite Scripture? Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own
understanding. Proverbs 3:5 NLT
What drew you to Genesis? I was seeking a church home where I could hear and understand the Word of God. I expressed this desire to a friend, Chaney Jones and her
mother, Sabrina Bridges and they told me about a church they had been attending for the
Rachel Woods
What Ministries are you active in?
• Dance Ministry
past month. These two ladies spoke highly
• Young Adults Ministry
about Genesis and encouraged me to visit.
• Health & Wellness Ministry
I visited Genesis that following Sunday and
had a great experience. The Genesis Partners You have been here less than a year and you
are already bringing new partners. Do you feel
made the atmosphere feel like home, Pasthat as a young adult it is hard to evangelize?
tor Williams preached in a way that made
No, I don’t feel that being a young adult makes it
his message understandable and the choir
hard to evangelize, especially if you are evangewas amazing! I also attended Bible study
lizing to those who are close to you. I have been
the following Wednesday and had the same
fed so much goodness about the Lord from Genexperience with the Genesis Partners and
esis and I don’t want those who I love to miss out
Pastor Williams. Being in an environment
on the Good News. There is so much strength,
where people are looking forward to seeing
you is always a great feeling, and that’s what courage and wisdom that can be received if we
just open up to Him. It breaks my heart to know
I receive at Genesis. As a result, after my
second Sunday visit at Genesis, I knew that I that so many uninformed people forfeit peace
wasn’t going anywhere else anytime soon, so and blessings by missing out on the good Word
of God.
I decided to join!
How do you think you could help Genesis be a
If you could give some advice to a person
great Church? Genesis is already a great church,
thinking about joining the ministry what
in my opinion. I think I can continue to help
would it be? I would say to the person, if
Genesis be a great church by being a witness for
you’re stressed, lost, broken, wanting peace,
or just wanting a better life for yourself, want Jesus and inviting people to visit. As a Genesis
to prosper and want get closer to God, come Partner, I believe a duty of mine is getting a potential Genesis Partner through our doors. I also
with me to visit Genesis. There hasn’t been
a Sunday when I haven’t been blessed with a believe that encouraging a Genesis Partner to get
good Word from Pastor Williams. I am sure involved in the ministry to help build the body
that you will receive a great message that you of Christ will help Genesis continue to be a great
can take with you, and walk out feeling better Church.
than when you came. I would also testify that
I’ve grown so much spiritually and has continued to develop into a better person since
joining the ministry and declare that you can
do the same.