Free mag vol1 | Page 938

CHAPTER 22  ADO.NET PART II: THE DISCONNECTED LAYER private void btnDisplayMakes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Build a filter based on user input. string filterStr = string.Format("Make= '{0}'", txtMakeToView.Text); // Find all rows matching the filter. DataRow[] makes = inventoryTable.Select(filterStr); if (makes.Length == 0) MessageBox.Show("Sorry, no cars...", "Selection error!"); else { string strMake = ""; for (int i = 0; i < makes.Length; i++) { // From the current row, get the PetName value. strMake += makes[i]["PetName"] + "\n"; } // Show the names of call cars matching the specified Make. MessageBox.Show(strMake, string.Format("We have {0}s named:", txtMakeToView.Text)); } } Here, you begin by building a simple filter based on the value in the associated TextBox. If you specify BMW, your filter looks like this: Make = 'BMW' When you send this filter to the Select() method, you get back an array of DataRow types that represent each row that matches the filter (see Figure 22-9). 884