You should now be able to run your application and specify a car ID to delete from the DataTable. As
you remove DataRow objects from the DataTable, you will notice that the grid’s UI is updated
immediately; this occurs because it is bound to the state of the DataTable object.
Selecting Rows Based on Filter Criteria
Many data-centric applications require the need to view a small subset of a DataTable’s data, as specified
by some sort of filtering criteria. For example, assume you want to see only a certain make of automobile
from the in-memory DataTable (e.g., only BMWs). You’ve already seen how the Select() method of the
DataTable class allows you to find a row to delete; however, you can also use this method to grab a subset
of records for display purposes.
To see this in action, update your UI again, this time allowing users to specify a string that
represents the make of the automobile they want to see (see Figure 22-8) using a new TextBox (named
txtMakeToView) and a new Button (named btnDisplayMakes).
Figure 22-8. Updating the UI to enable row filtering
The Select() method has been overloaded a number of times to provide different selection
semantics. At its most basic level, the parameter sent to Select() is a string that contains some
conditional operation. To begin, observe the following logic for the Click event handler of your new