Message by H . L . Mgr Anton Teuma BISHOP OF GOZO
Dear all ,
I would like to give my thanks to all those who took part in this beautiful project . This experience brought all the students , teachers and those responsible of school administration together . This was not just in one school ! It was an experience that has united all schools together , both Primary and Secondary .
Through the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti - “ All Brothers ”, you have managed to engage in the experience of true fraternity . The Encyclical ‛ s paragraphs that each school rewrote , gave children , teenagers , and educators the opportunity to engage with Pope Francis ‛ s teaching : No matter who we are , we are all brothers and sisters .
All people are members of the same family . Just as siblings stand up and defend each other in times of struggle , so should all families . Colour or race , religion or culture , language or customs , shouldn ‛ t discourage us from acting like true brothers and sisters who love each other .
Such an exercise invites all students , teachers and those responsible of school administration to experience this fraternity in our school . This means that we should all work towards overcoming bullying that may be present in our classrooms . We must consider each other as equals . We need to learn to accept all foreigners , regardless of whether they are Europeans , Asians or Africans , who attend our school as brothers and sisters . We should avoid forming cliques based on intelligence , beauty , physique , wealth , political background or which village or parish we hail from . It would be best to veer away from those things or people that drive a wedge between us .
This inspiring exercise shall serve as a means for all schools , students , families , teachers and those responsible to come together . The purpose of all schools in Gozo together with those in Malta , is not just to equip students for a highly paid profession , but above all as preparation for a compassionate and humane life that all of God ‛ s children deserve .