Congressional Fragrance Caucus
Recertified for 116th Congress
The bipartisan platform increases access, influence for industry
On March 21, 2019, Fragrance Creators
Association announced the recertification of
the Congressional Fragrance Caucus for the
116th Congress. Chaired by Representatives
Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ-12) and
Barry Loudermilk (R-GA-11), the Fragrance
Caucus offers a bipartisan platform for
Fragrance Creators members to interface
with legislators on priority issues affecting
“The candle you light at home in your
kitchen, the perfumes and colognes you
spray in the morning, the hand lotion you
adore, and even some of our favorite treats
are the result of fragrance manufacturers,”
said Rep. Watson Coleman. “These products
are just as valuable to our lives as the jobs
this industry creates are to our economy,
employing hundreds of thousands of workers
at the smallest family-owned levels, at large
companies, and everywhere in between. I’m
proud to help lead this Caucus as it recogniz-
es the impact this industry has on American
“Serving on this bipartisan Caucus will
allow me to help strengthen the working
relationship between the industry, its regula-
tors, and Congress, in a way that will benefit
all Americans,” said Rep. Loudermilk. “I am
grateful for the opportunity to work along-
side this innovative industry.”
First introduced in the 115th Congress in
2018, the Fragrance Caucus is expected to
grow in 2019, as the industry continues to
expand its footprint and Congress works to
address cosmetics modernization, Lauten-
berg Chemical Safety Act (LCSA) imple-
mentation, trade, and more.
“Fragrance’s ability to enhance lives—
from emotion and wellness, to the economy,
to green chemistry and biodiversity—is why
we are thrilled that Congress sees the value
of this platform,” said Farah K. Ahmed, Pres-
ident & CEO of Fragrance Creators. “The
Congressional Fragrance Caucus further
empowers us to promote fragrance policies
that are good for people, perfume, and the
“Through the Caucus, Fragrance Creators
and our members have direct access to
policymakers,” said Robert Weinstein, Ph.D.,
Chairman of the Fragrance Creators Board
and President & CEO, Robertet USA. “And
we are eager to share with them the impor-
tance and benefits of fragrance, including
how it powers the economy, is grounded in a
state-of-the-art safety program, and improves
lives with countless benefits to our wellbe-
On May 14th, Fragrance Creators will
host its Annual Legislators of the Year Award
Reception, where fragrance leaders will pres-
ent the 2019 Legislator of the Year Award(s),
honoring outstanding leadership and support
of the industry. Fragrance Creators’ 2019
Federal Fly-In will follow, on May 15th.
Issue 1, 2019 | FRAGRANCENOTES.ORG | 25