Fox Run Times/October, 2013 4
5: Procedures
Physical Factors
Temperature: Air
The first thing you would do when collecting data for the physical part of this procedure would be to find the temperature of both the water and air. Before you start, make sure that you record the temperatures in degrees celsius. To find the temperature of the air, place the thermometer in a shaded area. Then, after a minute or two, check the temperature. When recording the answer, make sure the mercury is stationary when reading it.
Temperature: Water
For the water temperature, either hold the thermometer or find another way to keep it submerged underwater, as it needs to be under the stream surface throughout the whole process. Keep the thermometer in the water for at least a minute. When reading the temperature, make sure the mercury is at a standstill and not moving. Also, make sure that the temperature is recorded in degrees celsius.
measurement. After completing this, place clothes pins at either side on the cord to mark the exact sides of the stream.Now, measure from clothes pin to clothes pin in meters to find the width of the stream. When you get the measurement, make sure to divide it by five. With this divided number, you will put the clothes pins on the line however many inches you have calculated.
The next step is finding the depth of the stream. First, you will take the meter stick and place it in the water at the first pin - making sure that it’s turned to the side so the least amount of water is hitting the stick. You should also make sure to have the zero end of the stick in the water. Before taking the measurement, push down to make sure the meter stick is not on a top of a rock or in an obvious hole - this will ensure you get an accurate measurement.
Now, do this at each of the pins left on the cord, recording each measurement. Then, you will add up all the measurements and then divide them by four. This will get you the depth of the stream.
And finally, there is velocity. The first thing you should do is take the tape measure and measure 5 meters downstream, on the bank, to where a new stake will be hammered into the ground. These stakes will be downstream and should have a cord tied between them. Make sure the cord is taut with no slack. The next thing you will do is have someone standing up at the line with clothespins with a stopwatch and a tennis ball, while another person should be downstream at the finish line. The person at the starting line will stand away from the first pin and drop the tennis ball in the water under the pin while starting the timer as it hits the water. When the ball runs under the finish line, that person will yell to stop the timer and grab the ball.This process should be repeated for each clothespin. Once each part of the test is done, take all of the recorded numbers and add them together then divide by four to get the velocity.
Now, you will find the width of the stream. First, you would place a stake into the ground on either side of the stream and make sure they are secure and are across from one another (they also need to be upstream for a later test.) Then, with all stakes placed, tie one end of the cord to one stake and pull it to the other side where it should be tied as well. Make sure the cord is taut and isn't slack, otherwise you will get a bad measurement. After completing this, place clothes pins on either side of the cord to mark the exact sides of the stream. Now, measure from clothes pin to clothes pin in meters to find the width of the stream. When you get the measurement, make sure to divide by five. With this divided number, you will put the clothes pins on the line however many inches you have calculated.
The next step is finding the depth of the stream. First, you will take the meter stick and place it in the water at the first pin - making sure that it’s turned to the side so the least amount of water is hitting the stick. You should also make sure to have the zero end of the stick in the water. Before taking the measurement, push down to make sure the meter stick is not on a top of a rock or in an obvious hole - this will ensure you get an accurate measurement.
Now, do this at each of the pins left on the cord, recording each measurement. Then, you will add up all the measurements and then divide them by four. This will get you the depth of the stream.