Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 95

• 17’Electrolysis Acid water: continued 5 • WM media Rejected effect: E(Industrial type heavy cleaner): this is only for non- NaCl containing usually made from 3 chamber electrolysis. Cleaning mechanics differs from Alkaline, very effective removal of germs*(Migtech ru, Morinaga Milk+) or certain scale deposit removal. If there is too much impurity to clean effect is lost(when contact organic material it gets easily neutralized). Often used in combined washing method at industrial applications: Alkaline wash first then followed by Acid water, then 3rd time by Alkaline water.(TechCorporation jp+), Most of non-Japanese suppliers’s conventional 2 chamber water is unsuitable for its NaCl content & corrosiveness to the metal. • D2*(skin, dental treatment, medical)(Perfect-Perio, Oculusis, Puricore, Adept water BacTerminator+) is usually more effective than conventional medical treatments, • Some stay away from referring to use of "just water" and make explanation vague under "proprietary technology". Awkward Western Gov’t approved(but media "correcting its mistake") medical effects: Skin related,(Nipponintek+), Tattoo skin care focus(Electrasyn), Digestion organ related( - - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 95