Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 94

• 17’Electrolysis Acid water: continued 4 • -->> cont: WM media Disputed effects: Y(Pesticide/germicide): Some organic farms combine other “pseudoscientific pesticides” such as Metal Ion or Effective Micro-Organism contained water(see 30’EM) for complete clean tech only pesticide success(notably Parsley, Strawberry+). • To avoid salt in farming field, either use of KOH(Potassium Hydroxide),K 2 CO 3 (Potassium Carbonate) electrolyte or 3 chamber NaCl electrolyte. Often targeted to have low Cl(max 20ppm) and some simply electrolyze tap water chlorine(0.5-4ppm) for "activated HClO(Hypochloric Acid)" for application(media pseudoscience as tab water cannot/must not be able to replace pesticide)(Yi Shan Electronic Industrial, Shinkobensen Cela, Aqua-club jp aqua system +), • G(Toilet stain odor remove by water), Z(Plant growth enhancement, doesn’t work for fermentation) is only effective at growth of roots and at early seeding stage(Kowa-Tec jp, Bakhir ru+). - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 94