Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 80


• General Electrolysis Introduction 4 ( for section 16-18 )

• -- >> cont : ◆A - ACID WATER , Main effect element contents : ii-HClO / HOCl : Hypochlorous acid ( Acid water ):

• Electrolysis only HClO water can be divided into three categories ( see next page ). Additionally , sprayable disinfection HClO product made from NaClO by reducing pH with added / infused CO2 ( Nankai-youzai +), HCl ( Comosy jp +), Citric Acid ( Unifeed jp +), additive mixed Calcium Hypochlorite ( Sdplanet Clinicalwater +), etc in stabilized manner as bottled product or on-site generation device . Furthermore , chemical Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate ( C3Cl2N3O3Na ) etc can be dissolved in water in low solution to produce equivalent HClO water ( Jnec . jp +). Unlike dissolved NaOH in water vs Alkaline water , Chemical diluted HClO vs Electrolysis produced Acid water seems to demonstrate same effectiveness with former being lower price in very small vol use ( but chemical diluted ones have inconsistent stability , with usually much shorter water effect lastability ).

• Next page ' s list compares various HClO types vs NaClO vs tap water disinfection quality . High Cl content NaClO is often considered beyond cleantech category .

linkedin . com / in / newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak : Specialty Cleantech Research , Vancouver ,