Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 79

• General Electrolysis Introduction 3(for section 16-18) • ◆A - ACID WATER, Main effect element contents: i-NaClO/NaOCl: Sodium Hypochlorite(Sometimes called Acid, but actually Alkaline water), Called bleach when dissolved in water in high concentration, Most typical "Chlorinated drinking water", ClO⁻ in water works as germ killer, mainstream production method of NaClO is caustic soda(Sodium Hydroxide) with chlorine gas reaction, but in-situ electrolysis is faster and no storage needed and often much lower cost(this rather basic shifting stage from mainstream chemical reaction method to low cost electrolysis production of "even mixed" Sodium Hypochlorite is defined as innovation in large majority of world, but this disinfection water is broadly considered as obsolete technology in most applications in advanced Japan market(also it can produce minute amount of Trihalomathane when reacts with organic[carbon] material) and generally replaced by Hypochlorous acid. • ii-HClO/HOCl: Hypochlorous acid(Acid water), much more effective(5-100times, in some cases using as low as 0.5ppm) than NaClO in killing germs but used much less often by electrolysis in most of world, Second most common "Chlorinated drinking water", Mainstream making method is to feed solid Calcium Hypochlorite: Ca(ClO) 2 , or concentrated Sodium Hypochlorite(bleach) into water with pH adjustment. -->>cont 79 - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver,