Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 75

• • 15’EDI & CDI: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) ■ 15’EDI & CDI: Electro De-Ionization(demineralizing thru membrane), & CDI: Capacitive De-Ionization (porous electrode absorbing ion); WM Accepted effect: Widely used for Pure water production- sometimes competitively used for L(Drinking water generation[non desalination]+)(eg combined with water spiral: BWT SEPTRON+), A2(Salt water desalination)(eg WiseWater Pte, TGH2O, HydroNovation+), many commercialized techs are competitive in low(<10,000ppm) salinity only, Advanced low Capex-Opex high salinity application far beyond sea water(35,000ppm) level(Atlantis technologies+): Radial Deionization with ultralong fast treating water flow(upto 10m) supercapacitor pair with dielectric spacer in a Concentric Tube. • But actually several mostly uncommercialized techs are much lower power use: eg1: by tuning the applied voltage frequency into natural frequency of filtering structure to cause standing wave resonance( This tricky-not always repeatable(resonance freq & its intensity seems to differ by various elements)- but exact mechanics is used for many types of over-unity energy devices including water based H 2 producing devices(see 29'HHO, 63' Other Anomalous Effects[water based energy generators]). eg2: No membrane/resin using micropower electrogradiant generator WaterChip based desalination(Okeanostech): For other range of super low cost desalination being shelved or actually quietly installed see 10'Ultrasonic, 11'Hydrodynamic Cavitation, 75 56'Nanofiltration, 61'Membrane Distillation.