Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 74

• 14’Photocatalytic: continued 8 • WM Disputed effect: Rare claims: A(pipe descaling) by changing solutes nucleation in water, D(as algae germ stifling as water), • Generally WM Rejected effect, Occasionally claimed, When made by Nano Titan Fine Particle Bombardment(FRB) on platinum or ceramic surface: oxidizing quality yet also strong andioxidannt quality(Fuji Kihan Titan). FPB fusing effect of platinum & titan causing anomalous effect?, K(Dirty lake smell cleaning, fish enhancement), O(remove odor of dairy farm by feeding water to animals), X(Lower redox value water, “alkaline effect”), Y(Insecticide, herb stifler), Z(Pant/animal grow larger, faster, nutritious, less smell, increase fermentation, Catalyst to ferment food, drink, manure/decompose), E2(Enhance Flavor of bakery/pasta/coffee/rice/soup), - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 74