Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 62

• • 13’Nanobubble: continued 2 -->> cont: WM Accepted effect: E* (Industrial type heavy cleaner, particularly effective for IT industry type use precision parts /semi conductor cleaning),( deemed most effective washing medium in some applications(See section 48’Nitrogen & CO 2 infused water), Also done in other methods to increase effectiveness(section 58’Ion Projection,): charging particles to reduce zeta potential (by nanobubbles surrounding it), combining Ultrasonic(Ultrasonic-Labo+), Self cleaning mechanics of bathtub etc(Mitsubishi Electric microbubble EcoCute self-cleaning+), 、 Commercial or residential interior cleaning by amplifying negative electrical charge of nanobubbles by electric field to trigger electroporation effect on germs(Tennant ActiveIon - Orbio ec-H2O Technology+): effective disinfection. • Also probably hydroxyl radical is created as bubbles burst in the process(though manufacturer doesn't claim it), Orbio's cleaning effect is by regular negative charge "sucking" of ultrafine bubbles with positive charged dirt- this unique tech mechanics is completely WM science legal but selectively pseudoscientized by WM media(even court system took media science's "advice") in Europe and North America both - probably business lobby's damage control(of this 30,000+ location validated tech) action due to Tennant's mainstream status? - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 62