Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 61

• 13’Nanobubble: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Rejected by Western Mainstream(WM) • ■ 13’Nanobubble, Ultrafine bubble, Fine bubble, Microbubble: Bubble size & name is rather vaguely applied or differing definitions: but generally 10-300nm+ for nano and -1-50 µm(1,000-50,000nm) for micro bubble as indicator. Sometimes "hidden under" name of DAF(Dissolved Air Floatation)- nanobubble doesn't float & stay in water, while microbubble disappears-implodes with cavitation(with hydroxyl radical generation). Effects differ by bubble content: mainly use of Air, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Ozone, CO 2 , Helium, Inert gas. Production method: Generally following methods are applied- some are related to the cause of other bioactivating unorthodox effects: Vortex & Hydrodynamic cavitation, High pressure gas injection, Gas mixed superheated steam injection, Venturi, Acoustic Cavitation, Electrolysis, Electric Pulse - Microplasma, Conductive Nanoceramic etc. • WM Accepted effect: A(Scale prevention), C*(bacteria-algae stifling process by bubbling): Killing virus without corroding effect on metal( ), Ballast Water treatment(Gascon, HondaKiko+) by at least partially with impact of bubbles’ cavitation, Calcium etc broken down & kept in solution by Hydroxyl generated, but most major effect is likely to do with double-layer type charge- electron-current effect: negative ion around bubble to give electrons or generate hydroxyl. Vitalizing larger bioorganism or stifle rust but tends to kill virus. 61