Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 39


• 8 ‘ Aeration , Aerobic Bacteria , Anaerobic Digestion continued 9 : Anaerobic Digestion ( AD ) 3

• -- >> cont : WM Accepted effects : J ( waste water cleaning )/ P ( sludge reduction )/ C2 ( plant growth promote matter generating )/ G2 ( energy fuel production ):

• FOR LIQUID INVOLVED HEAVIER TO SOLID WASTE : Compared to municipality waste water treatment , heavier solid waste content agricultural or process integrated industrial waste water has lot higher rate of installations : sophisticated mid-large power generation system in Germany ( 10,000 , less extent to other NW Europe , further less in other advanced nations )( EnviTec Biogas , BTA international , Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure , OWS nv +): often smaller type of gas only use : some nations like Brazil / Middle East etc , but particularly in India / Pakistan ( 4 million +)( Biotech India , Beta Pak Biogas +), China with state backed DIY type system ( 40 million +),

• Though volume differs by methods , still significant amount of byproduct Biogas Digestate needs to have a way of disposing as sales channel or self consumption route : Agricultural co-application ( for farming far enough from the city area due to the smell ), Combustion / gasification fuel , Cellulosic ethanol processing etc


. com / in / newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak : Specialty Cleantech Research , Vancouver ,