Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 38

• 8‘Aeration, Aerobic Bacteria, Anaerobic Digestion continued 8: Anaerobic Digestion(AD) 2 • -->>cont: WM Accepted effects: J(waste water cleaning)/P(sludge reduction)/ C2(plant growth promote matter generating)/G2(energy fuel production): • FOR WASTEWATER TREATMENT: One of std process in: Food/Beverage etc industry related process anywhere in world(Paques nl+) or North West Europe in all sectors including public waste water treatment,(Veolia Exelys-Biothelys, Hydroitalia - Colsen, WABAG, Hager+Elsaesser). Algae assisted(Aquanos, MBD Energy, Algae Enterprises+), even portable type available(Ennesys FREEWATERBOX). Microbubble/Nanobubble CO 2 infusion might increase up to 2wice gas production(Perlemax+): this also seems to apply to algae productivity 、 US/Canada have lower municipality water installation & technically capable service companies located there mainly install industrial/farming clients or overseas cities for this specific process system(GE Water, WOG group, ADI Systems+), many non- western nations utilization is low. • For light wastewater from beverage/meat/dairy processing types, new even significantly lower cost tech is advancing(NVP Energy+): e.g. Low temp anaerobic digestion(<20°C) with no aeration requirement, super high sludge digestion, low maintenance, 85%+ biogas concentration -->>cont: 38