Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 115

• 22’Nano Material Used Filter: continued 2 • Graphene or many other nano material is prone to be “electrically active”: thermo- electric response to light, generate hydrogen in contact with water with no oxidization? at certain nano geometric shape(AW Castleman+), Hydrophobic graphene/carbon nanotube turns hydrophilic at single layer vs thicker when UV-FIR wave irradiated. Extended Capillary action: Self-pumps/sucks up water(S Hendy+), and speed of water flow is violation of Hagen–Poiseuille equation /Fluid Dynamics “law” by a few orders of magnitude(Majumder+), Also affects water molecule structure or “sucks up ion”: i.e. disruptive fast water filter • Some nano techs water borne germ killing ability is not ion element use, but by physical cell wall punctuation: by combo of nano formulation of “dagger” shape and bacteria/ virus pulling electrostatic force to works as disinfectant surface of solid matter(applied to wall, table, carpet etc) (Qore Systems Amosil-Q, Nano Global Corporation, Strategic RS, Rotunda Cleaning +). However one branch of mainstream approval of an effect within science sometimes does not have same interpretation in other mainstream branches - often up to WM media to decide reality. Furthermore, even science accepted level claims can be often “downgraded to” controversy level by interlocked Western mainstream media. Some basic function as Graphene filter is WM approved, but only as experimental basis and commercialized products are often pseudoscienctized based on assumption: “if most advanced science cannot do it yet, others can never do it”: - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 115