Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 114

• 22’Nano Material Used Filter: Effect mix of Accepted, Disputed, Generally Rejected, Fully rejected by (WM) • ■ 22’Nano Material Used Filter/(also see 56’NanoFiltration)Nano Carbon membrane/Graphene tube etc/Nanopolymer/Nano metal/Buckypaper filtered-soaked water: it is mainstream approved anomalous effects often seemingly related to water molecule structure change or solute ion absorbing capability i.e. at least for temporarily redox value can change. • WM approved effect of graphene(naturally hydrophobic[water repelling] but suddenly rapid water flow is created when narrow cylinder shape tube is made by it) has 100-1000times permeability than regular RO filters(Reverse Osmosis)- super effective water filter product viability announced but not launching at this time(Lockheed Martin+),- i.e. in slow filtration process there is no need to use energy to pressurize filter like RO(Jef Grossman+), suitable for use of Direct Portable Reuse(DPR) even as drinking water? There are many other academic claims on similar level of filtration effects at WM level. - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 114