Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 102

• 18’Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 7 • —>>cont: WM Accepted effects: G2(Energy generation): ●iii- Cold Fusion: After around 2014 active debunking is even ceased by WM media, and they are currently rather passively ignoring it with occasional appealing for tech's unsuitability for commercialization potential. There were several commercialization attempts but only one tech leader company seems to be offering service-and is understandably for severe ramification they are the only WM debunked main player company in cold fusion currently(E-Cat - Leonardo Corporation) • WM media Disputed effects: C(Algae germ stifling): works as disinfecting effect for farm feed water(WaterKub52+), M(spray soak to last food longer), some used for large entire cattle/chicken residence interior spraying for large scale disinfecting, N(food detergent), by Hypochlorous acid(HOCl) or Sodium Hypoclorite(NaClO, more common out of Japan) effect: Voltage and electrode makes difference for germ killing content. • Occasionally claimed effect; A(Descaling), by depositing scale on electrodes instead of pipes(Global Environmental Solutions ltd+), AC three electrode style with no deposits accumulating also to kill germs(Reiken Inc+), B(Decorrosion/Derusting), High frequency AC current Electrolyzing or rust proof & anti scaling( ハイドロサナ +), - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Research, Vancouver, 102