Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water Technologies for... Four Levels of Clean, Low cost, Forgotten Water.. | Page 101

• 18’Electrolysis Alkaline-Acid mixed: continued 6 • —>>cont: WM Accepted effects: G2(Energy generation): • ●iii- Another this tech utilization method is Cold Fusion(Low Energy Nuclear Reaction(LENR)/Lattice Assisted Nuclear Reaction etc), currently most high profile & disruptive water tech that is entering into mainstream defacto approval: • “Base model LENR”(there are vast range of variation particularly if include “fringe inventor type” claims) is Palladium-Platinum electrodes electrolysis in Deuterium heavy water “burns” hydrogen and excess heat created in “overunity” manner. Additionally unpredictably generates various precious metals transmutation phenomena(this is also WM generally rejected effect). Further, there is a string of various related “low cost” disruptive tech applications from this model, for details see other report: [Less Known, Low Cost Abundant Energy Technologies..] - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, 101