Foundation Fundamentals (April 2017) 2016/2017 Volume 2 | Page 3
How exciting it is to come to the end of another financial
year with the same level of enthusiasm we started with! The
tenacity of our staff, guidance of our Board of Directors, strong
synergies with and encouraging feedback from our partners
fueled the Foundation’s momentum and successes over the
last year.
From the completion of our 3-year partnership with the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
in literacy to our renewed focus in the early childhood sector,
we are pressing on with our work in education with fervour.
Special Needs, a much celebrated pillar of our work, has seen
the completion of several initiatives that celebrate the work
and worth of our beneficiaries whilst opening doors to newer
opportunities. Our Annual 5K Imagine Walk/Run helped to
raise awareness and well over J$8 million for 9 special needs
Thousands of Jamaicans from 10 new community-based
organisations were selected for funding to expand services
in areas of alternative energy, apiculture and vision-care.
Undoubtedly, one of the most exciting efforts in the last
quarter was our #FaceOfChangeJA competition which saw
the Bethel New Testament Church of God walking away with
$350,000 after garnering over 300,000 votes!
We remain committed to building minds, bridges and
communities to create a better future for all Jamaicans.
We welcome the new financial year with great optimism
and an honest outlook on the work that needs to be done.
With your support, we will be able to expand our impact well
beyond the 580,000 Jamaicans we are now able to serve.