FOUL PLAY -- SCI 1020 FINAL PROJECT Red Explorer Hiking Travel Magazine (2) | Page 21

Social media has become the alternative to television news and shows. It makes the facts and news easier to find and engage with. This leads to the exposure to many violent incidents all at once in a way or another which causes people to get used to violence in a way that they stop sympathizing with it. This in my opinion brings us to the same end crime movies brings illiterate people to. This could consequently lead to the development of a criminal mind inside each and every one of us that could evolve with time to becoming a dominant trait inside us leading to the world becoming a hive of criminals and out-laws until the day in which crime will be the most dominant element in life. Finally, I think that movies and social media don’t directly encourage the development of criminal thoughts, but rather the social injustice and the illiteracy that is spread widely as a plague in dozens of societies around the world. If these problems were faced strongly, there will be no fear in any way that such ideas could develop and become what we could call the law by which people live. FOUL PLAY |  22 MAY 2019