FOUL PLAY -- SCI 1020 FINAL PROJECT Red Explorer Hiking Travel Magazine (2) | Page 20
The global list is full of crime movies and series that are producing countless numbers of such movies and
considered all time legends and affect directly throngs products that depend mainly on the violence and
of people’s minds and souls. Could this effect have a crime elements.
role in causing the increase in the rates of crime? Did
social media nowadays make people get used to Adding to that a very major aspect which is poverty
violence? And to which level can they tolerate it? There that leads to more disaster when combined with
are various reasons for such control that these things illiteracy. There is a form of grudge structured inside
have on people’s attitude towards various topics many poor people towards other more rich individuals
including violence. and as Sigmund Freud hypothesized that the mental
health or ideology of all people depend on the
There has been much talk that The Godfather environment they live in as adolescents, and you can
legendary movie influenced many crime gangs imagine what environment did these poor people grow
immensely. But that is not the issue in my opinion up in and predict their actions as adults and how cruel
whether what I stated previously is true or not. The they may be. When this grudge is combined with
issue is that how poor levels of education have ignorance, it leads to the formation of a dangerous
immensely affected these people’s minds to the extent criminal mind that would
that they may be driven by such fictional stories and desperately do anything in order to get what is in the
myths which leads to devastating catastrophes. Many possession of others with the belief that it actually
countries that are known for high rates of the crime belongs to him and it’s his right.
element show higher rates of illiteracy and poverty. In
parallel, there are major corporations that care only In addition, social media has caused a major leap lately
about harvesting money by in the levels of tolerating violence and this is based on a
personal experience in my society.
| 22
MAY 2019