Forward Movement Magazine SUMMER ISSUE 2016 | Page 19

wade through . What better way to lean out the group and to find out who really paid attention to details and who did not by making these requests ?
The experience taught me a lot about paying close attention to what clients are asking to see and providing it to them in the manner to which they want to see it .
Let ’ s correlate this to casting calls for modeling gigs and pitching to magazines . We recently posted one for a magazine project we were working on and requested , very simply , a quick bio paragraph , contact information ( e-mail and phone ), location and willingness to travel if selected , and lastly a few samples images from their portfolio .
I would estimate that less than 20 % of the applicants provided all the requested information . We received some applications that had no images or contact information , others that had no location but lots of images , others that had only the partial sentence of “ I ’ m interested .”
Had this been like my prior career , that would mean that 80 % of the applicants would be thrown out before ever being considered . Why ? Because it now takes us more time to have to respond to request information that should have been provided with the initial application .


Realize that the reason for the casting call is that the client is in need of assistance in finding a qualified person or persons for a job they need to complete . You are in the position to help them by providing them with everything they need to make their job easy . Don ’ t add more work to their plate by requiring them to follow up with you to get additional information they needed to begin with . Providing them everything requested shows that you were paying attention .


Take the time to craft a submission . It illustrates to the client that you care enough about the gig to take an extra step to stand out from the competition . When I used to do proposals we would take the last few days before the submission deadline to see if anything could be redesigned or rewritten to make it look , read or feel better . As a model you have the opportunity to vary how you pitch , what you include in your