Forward Issue #10 - January 2019 | Page 20

The Other Idol

Have you bowed the knee to Baal lately? In Elijah's day worshiping Baal was fairly prevalent. So much so that Elijah felt like he was the only who had not done so. God told him “I have left Me seven thousand in Israel... which have not bowed unto Baal, and... hath not kissed him.” But even seven thousand pure ones in the entire nation doesn't seem like very many. It would be a shocking nation to live in where the vast majority were bowing to Baal and kissing him!

I suppose all God-fearing people would agree that Baal worship was evil and destructive to the nation of Israel. One of the foundational principles of God's covenant with the nation of Israel was that they have no other gods before Him. When God's people bowed to Baal they committed all sorts of other unspeakable acts in the process. When Baal worship enters a land any other defilement becomes possible.

Back to my original question: have you bowed the knee to Baal lately? I doubt it. I have not been able to find any evidence of anyone worshiping Baal in our day. Besides, some of the worship practices they used would be illegal in our nation. But I have noticed another idol that has been receiving a lot of attention lately. The other idol seems as prevalent in our day as Baal was in Elijah's day. And just like Baal, there are many other evils that come along with the worship of the other idol.

Who is that other idol? It's you! It's me! The idol of Self has become prevalent in our society today. Self-respect? Self-esteem? Self-worship!! The humanistic philosophy of the day is: “Don't believe in God, believe in yourself!” When we start putting our own desires, ambitions, strength, and importance ahead of God we are bowing the knee to the other idol: Self! When self has first place in your life or mine there is no telling what evil excesses may follow. Self is too corrupt an idol to follow! Self is too small an idol to trust! Self is too weak an idol to rely on!

The nation of Israel was only cured of worshiping Baal by their time spent under the judgment of God during their captivity. Please do not persist in the worship and service of Self until God steps in to end your addiction to that idol! Learn from Judah. During the reign of King Jehu the nation of Judah was able to be restored to God by a radical cleansing process. They purged out the worship of their idol and never returned to it again. Please, will you pray today for God's help to de-throne Self in your life? Put your life under the control of your rightful God. Stop focusing on yourself and open your mind, heart, and life to Someone much, much bigger!! Why settle for Self when you can live in the presence and blessing of our infinite God?

Paul Gibbesh