Forward Issue #10 - January 2019 | Page 19

Paryse Broussard is a musician, writer, piano teacher, and small business owner from Nova Scotia. When not writing or playing music, she can be found with a large cup of tea, buried in a good book.

something stupid, or give you some much-needed encouragement when you feel frustrated or your heart is breaking. (Proverbs 27:9) A friend who will volunteer to clean out the dumpster with you, run a 5k, who won’t make fun of your allergies, but will make you laugh. A true friend will takes time to make sure you’re doing okay, not just to ask what’s for breakfast.                  

God just might use you to get a friend started reading the Bible, or quit a bad habit. Lead by example. You show what you believe is true by what you do every day. Is morning devotions a must on your mental schedule? Get close to God by prayer and Bible study. Our God will direct your steps if you’re seeking Him.

3. Defend your friend, and don’t gossip. 

”A  whisperer separateth chief  friends.” (Proverbs 16:28) Don’t let gossip slip into your conversations. The person who will tell you about someone else's mistake or fault will later talk about yours to other people. It’s easy, but it is not worth losing the respect or trust of your friend. Jonathan was a good friend to David when he defended him against Saul’s slander. "Jonathan spake good of David unto Saul his father…because he hath not sinned against thee, and because his works have been to thee-ward very good.” (1 Samuel 19:4)

4. A good friend loves at all times. 

The friend who will only talk to you or work with you when you are popular with the crowd, or haven’t disagreed with them, is not a good friend. When your friend grieves, suffers persecution, or is attacked by another person, you need to be there for them.

Also, your friend will disappoint you. Will you forgive that person when they ask? Do you show love to them by kind acts and words? Jonathan (1 Sam. 20:17) loved his friend David as he loved himself. In an age where self-love is promoted as deserved and needed, we need to prioritize loving God and loving others.  

At the end of the day, no one will remember if you played sports well or had cool shoes. They’ll remember how you treated them. What kind of a friend are you? Do your friends know that they can count on you to be there? Do you have a friend who will sharpen your character for God? Trust God, and He will work in your heart as you surrender your friendships to Him.