Reflecting on
The Three Js in the 1st VIII, Joshua,
Joshua and Joseph, share their thoughts
on being part of the winning Challenge
Cup team for the 2017 Head of the River.
Joshua Logan
Why did you get into rowing?
I was inspired to join rowing when I was in
an assembly during Year 8 and there was a
presentation about the sport. I had always
looked up to the students in the years above
me who were rowers. The opportunity for
me to officially become a rower arose when
Mr Lovrich approached me one day with a
change of sports form - the rest is history!
What did you learn from your time in
After four years of rowing I learnt the
importance of being disciplined and
committing to everything I do. I made
mistakes during my time in rowing but I
learned to overcome most of the challenges
I faced.
What does it mean to get a win at the
Head of the River Regatta, especially as
part of the 1st VIII.
I couldn’t ever describe the feeling that I
experienced winning Head of the River in
the 1st VIII. As our crew crossed the finish
line, I was unsure of how we had finished.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw the
Guildford supporters down at the beach
cheering for us. I was overcome with the joy
of winning after all the hard work we had
put in. I saw the look on all eight boys faces;
they were completely destroyed and I knew
they had given it their all. It was by far the
greatest feeling I have ever experienced.
Joshua Laurito
Why did you get into rowing?
I initially got into rowing just to stay fit for
football season but once I started, I learnt to
love the sport and being around my mates
and amazing coaches.
What did you learn from your time in
I learnt a lot about myself and how hard I
can push myself to limits I didn’t know were
possible. A highlight of my time at rowing
was being able to go from Year 9 through to
Year 12 with my mates; enjoying wins and
being able to push each other to breaking
point in order to succeed.
What does it mean to get a win at the
Head of the River Regatta, especially as
part of the 1st VIII.
To win Head of the River is something that
only happens to a select few boys. Just nine
boys from Guildford Grammar School were
able to train for six months and for that
six-minute race. To be able to come out of
that race first is one of the most amazing
experiences I have ever been involved in and
I hope many more Guildfordians get the
chance to experience what my mates and I
experienced this year.
Joseph Woods
Why did you get into rowing?
I realised that my basketball career wasn’t
going to develop any further after playing a
term in the 8C’s so I changed to a sport that
I was curious about. The thought of one day
being a 1st VIII rower was very appealing.
Within weeks of starting the sport, I loved
being on the water and the comradery of the
boys I was training with.
What did you learn from your time in
I’ve met all of my closest friends through
rowing, have learnt how to take my body
to the limits and have gained mental
strength and self-discipline. Although the
training hours are long, you feel a sense
of achievement when giving so much
dedication and time into a single 6-minute
race. The general experience of being on
the water with a good crew of rowers was
the main reason why I stayed in the sport
and was so fixated on winning. A personal
highlight of my four Head of the River wins
is looking back at the Guildford Grammar
School army on the beach cheering for us
after we won the Challenge Cup.
What does it mean to get a win at the
Head of the River Regatta, especially as
part of the 1st VIII.
As I went through my four years and four
Head of the Rivers, each victory became
sweeter. To say I have been in a winning
Head of the River crew is within itself a huge
achievement but it doesn’t come close to
being a Challenge Cup winner. As our crew
rowed our final strokes of the ‘Toddie’, I
looked back onto the beach and saw the
support behind us; the massive GGS crowd
was going nuts and that’s when I got a sense
of what we had achieved. It’s a memory that
will never leave me. I hold it as my greatest
achievement to date and I doubt it will be
topped. Winning all four was just a bonus
and I guess it was reflected by the talent
in our year group and the drive to succeed
among the boys.