Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 3, 2018 | Page 9

Anette Bygum – Establishing a Clinical Trial Unit in Dermato-Venereology at Odense University Hospital, Denmark atopic dermatitis, acne and hand eczema. Using teledermatology and patient-reported outcomes, it may be possible to tailor individual care. Patients will have more influence and the caregiver is able to respond quickly to signs of aggravation or side effects, while minimizing the use of office visits and other healthcare resources. Telederma- tology allows patients to get in contact with healthcare staff when needed instead of predetermined scheduled visits. In an ongoing PhD-study we seek to improve the management of psoriasis patients using participatory design, involving both patients and healthcare professionals in the design and development of a future technology. The overall aim of the study is to identify E-Health approaches to provide health care for psoriasis patients receiving biological treatment. The theoretical framework of this study is based on empowerment, with the intention to improve patient’s ability to develop, control and manage healthcare resources. References 1. Feldman SR. Disease burden and treatment adherence in psoriasis patients. Cutis 2013; 92: 258–263. 2. Svendsen MT, Andersen KE, Andersen F, Hansen J, Pottegård A, Johannessen H. Psoriasis patients’ experiences concerning medi- cal adherence to treatment with topical corticosteroids. Psoriasis 2016; 6: 113–119. 3. Svendsen MT, Andersen F, Andersen KE. eHealth technologies as an intervention to improve adherence to topical antipsoriatics: a systematic review. J Dermatolog Treat 2018; 29: 123–128. 4. Svendsen MT, Andersen F, Andersen KH, Pottegård A, Johannessen H, Möller S, et al. A smartphone application supporting patients with psoriasis improves adherence to topical treatment: a randomized controlled trial. Br J Dermatol 2018 Apr 14 [Epub ahead of print]. our Comprehensive Care Centre. A HAE database was estab- lished in 2001 and is now gradually integrated in our genoder- matosis database. The phenotypes of hereditary angioedema are expanding these years and other kinds of bradykinin-me- diated angioedema are recognized. The HAE Centre collabo- rates nationally with the Department of Molecular Medicine, Research Unit for Thrombosis Research, ENT department at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen and Department of Biomedicine in Aarhus with regard to different research projects. In November 2017, Anne Åbom defended her PhD thesis on Hereditary angioedema – biochemical and pediatric aspects. Three PhD projects related to the field of angioedema are on- going, as well as several master students projects. At the last C1-INH Deficiency Workshop in Budapest, medical student Kristian Kreiberg received a prize for his presentation: Smart- phone application to record data on attack and treatment patterns in patients with hereditary and acquired angioedema: findings from a Danish cohort (Fig. 5). At the moment, we are planning a qualitative study in mi- grant patients with HAE in collaboration with a nurse from the migrant health clinic at OUH (Fig. 6). We would like to visit patients in their own homes, if they allow us to do so. References The National HAE Centre is a highly specialized unit seeing children and adults from all over the country for diagnostics, treatment and possible research. We welcome colleagues to visit 1. Bygum A, Busse P, Caballero T, Maurer M. Disease severity, activity, impact, and control and how to assess them in patients with he- reditary angioedema. Front Med (Lausanne) 2017; 4: 212. 2. Rasmussen ER, von Buchwald C, Wadelius M, Prasad SC, Ka- maleswaran S, Ajgeiy KK, et al. Assessment of 105 patients with angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibitor induced angioedema. Clin Otolaryngol 2017; 2017: 1476402. 3. Aabom A, Andersen KE, Fagerberg C, Fisker N, Jakobsen MA, Bygum A. Clinical characteristics and real-life diagnostic approaches in all Danish children with hereditary angioedema. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2017; 12: 55. 4. Aabom A, Bygum A, Koch C. Complement factor C4 activation in pa- tients with hereditary angioedema. Clin Biochem 2017; 50: 816–821. Fig. 5. Medical student giving his prize-winning presentation. Fig. 6. Outpatient consultation in the HAE Clinic with migrant patient from Pakistan and urdo-speaking translator. Bradykinin-mediated angioedema Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 3 U niversity C linics in the N ordic C ountries 71