Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 3, 2018 | Page 11

Anette Bygum – Establishing a Clinical Trial Unit in Dermato-Venereology at Odense University Hospital, Denmark health behaviour, treatment needs and quality of life in Danish patients with hyperhidrosis. Our department is until now the only public hospital offering microwave therapy for axillary hyperhidrosis. A substudy will be performed using exome sequencing to identify genes related to familial hyperhidrosis. References 1. Hansen J. Ukontrollerbar sved – en overset sygdom. Sygeplejersken 2018, web article. 2. Kristiansen BH, Lindahl KH, Pallesen KAU, Bygum A. Two patients with localised hyperhidrosis of the hand based on functional and structural abnormalities of sweat glands. BMJ Case Rep 2018 Jan 31;2018. pii: bcr-2017-222530. Pyoderma gangrenosum Painful immunological ulcers, especially pyoderma gangreno- sum, is a focus area among our nurse specialists. Two studies have been established. A qualitative study of individual inter- views looks into how the lifeworld of patients with pyoderma gangrenosum is experienced. A Wound-QoL questionnaire has been translated and is planned to be used in an upcoming study of topical cannabinoids to pyoderma gangrenosum. References 1. Knudsen JT, Hansen JM. Pyoderma gangrenosum – et smertensbarn. SÅR, årgang 26, nr. 3, 2017. 2. Knudsen JT. Livskvalitetsskema (Wound-Qol) i sundhedsvæsenet. SÅR, årgang 27, nr. 1, 2018. Fig. 7. Teledermoscopy using smartphone and Handyscope® for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma is presently being undertaken in collaboration with our Adjunct Associate Pro- fessor Maja Hofmann, Department of Dermatology, Charite University Hospital, Berlin. Also the use of teledermoscopy in primary care practice for the evaluation of skin cancer is being studied (Fig. 7). Reference Epidermal detachment The department is treating patients with severe bullous condi- tions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis and their overlap. A study is being conducted to test a special wound dressing for these patients. 1. Broesby-Olsen S, Farkas DK, Vestergaard H, Hermann AP, Møller MB, Mortz CG, et al. Risk of solid cancer, cardiovascular disease, anaphylaxis, osteoporosis and fractures in patients with systemic mastocytosis: A nationwide population-based study. Am J Hematol 2016; 91: 1069–1075. Upcoming areas Skin cancer and Teledermoscopy The department has a large clinic for pigmented lesions and skin cancer with 3-4 parallel outpatient clinics daily. All kid- ney-transplant recipients and other solid organ transplant recipients from the Region of Southern Denmark are offered regular follow-up. Patients at high risk of developing melano- ma are monitored with total body photography and sequential digital dermoscopy. In cases of hereditary disorders, such as Gorlin Goltz syndrome, the patients will be registered in a genodermatosis database. Also, the departments cohort of mastocytosis patients are evaluated for skin cancer, as an increased risk of melanoma has been reported. A clinical study on the use of CO 2 -laser Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 3 As a strategic venture and with help from our Adjunct Pro- fessor Steven Feldman and key persons at Sygehus Lillebaelt, OUH and SDU, we would like to explore the field of patient communication and narrative medicine in order to improve patients’ satisfaction with care. The first ideas are born, and we are working on protocols and applications for funding. We hope, that the readers of Nordic Forum have got an impression of our dermatologic department and research. We welcome you to visit Odense and OUH and are open for new collaborations. In order to facilitate the internationalization of clinical and research environments, we have an International Staff Office that provides help with legal, practical, social and cultural issues, if people want to relocate to Denmark. U niversity C linics in the N ordic C ountries 73