Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 2, 2018 | Page 13

Lone Skov, Jacob Thyssen and Jeanne Duus Johansen – Dermatological Research at Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, University of Copen- hagen ultraviolet irradiation and other stressors. Stine Simonsen has in her PhD thesis studied the effect of acute and chronic ul- traviolet B exposure on immune cells and filaggrin in healthy and atopic skin. Along that line, an ambitious birth cohort is now being established that attempts to examine cutaneous predictors of atopic dermatitis by using tape strips in premature and mature newborns. Moreover, a large study will be initiated in Greenland, in which the genotype, immunotype and phe- notype of atopic dermatitis in Greenlanders will be examined. This is foreseen to be of particular value as it may identify new genetic and environmental risk factors for atopic dermatitis. In her PdH thesis, Yuki Andersen has carefully studied major non-­ atopic co-morbidities of atopic dermatitis in adults and among other shown that patients have increased risk of autoimmune diseases, but not cardiovascular diseases. Psoriasis – immunology and biomarkers Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease in which Th17 T cells are important; however, other lymphocytes also play a role, including innate lymphoid cells, gamma delta T cells and neutrophils. These results have been reported in the PhD thesis by Beatrice Dyring-Andersen. Biomarkers for identifying subgroups of patients and biomarkers for identifying patients with different response to treatment among patients with psoriasis are missing. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are endogenous, non-protein-coding oligo-RNAs of 18–24-nucleotides. miRNAs are hallmarks in a broad range of biological processes including development, cellular differentiation, proliferation and apopto- sis. We, and others, have previously described a specific miRNA profile in psoriasis. miRNA as robust biomarkers in skin and blood was reported in the PhD thesis by Marianne Løvendorf. Psoriasis – epidemiology and co-morbidity Patients with psoriasis have an increased risk of several co-morbidities. The department has, in collaboration with the Department of Cardiology at the hospital, used the nationwide Danish registers to study the associations between psoriasis and other inflammatory diseases. Alexander Egeberg has de- fended his PhD thesis on certain central nervous system (CNS) diseases, including multiple sclerosis and the association with psoriasis, and has subsequently continued in the department with epidemiological studies on prevalence and co-morbidities related to psoriasis, rosacea and atopic dermatitis. The prev- alence and metabolic risk factors as diabetes in patients with psoriasis is supported by epidemiological studies in twins, as reported in a PhD thesis by Ann Sofie Lønnberg. Findings that support the notion that psoriasis is a pre-diabetic condition and suggest that gastrointestinal-related mechanisms are involved in the increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes in patients with psoriasis is reported in the PhD thesis by Mette Gyldenløve. Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 2 IgE-mediated allergy The research unit in the allergy section covers all kind of IgE-me- diated allergy, clinical and basic and patients with suspected drug allergy. The research in the section is led by Professor Lars K. Poulsen and Associated Professor Lene Heise Garvey in collaboration with head of department Claus Zachariae. A main research area is the optimization of diagnostics in peni- cillin allergy and other drug allergy, including the use of drug provocation. The Allergy Clinic also has a National Reference Centre for the investigation of perioperative hypersensitivity (the Danish Anaesthesia Allergy Centre). The main research areas are specific causes, including allergy towards chlorhex- idine and other hidden and rare allergens such as excipients, mechanisms and treatment of perioperative hypersensitivity and the use of drug provocation in perioperative hypersensi- tivity. Doctors from the clinic are represented in national and international working groups on both penicillin allergy and perioperative hypersensitivity. D ermato -V enereology in the N ordic C ountries 43