Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology Nr 2, 2018 | Page 12
Lone Skov, Jacob Thyssen and Jeanne Duus Johansen – Dermatological Research at Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, University of Copen-
in the European Union (EU). This has been the subject of
several PhD studies from our department, demonstrating the
increase, risk factors, important consumer and occupational
exposures. The latest PhD thesis on this subject is from 2017 by
Jakob Schwensen. Based on these data and similar from other
European countries, MI has been banned from use in leave-on
cosmetics, restricted in rinse-off cosmetics, and requirements
have been enforced for labelling and warnings on chemical
products, including paints.
In May 2015, a REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation
and restriction of Chemicals) regulation on chromium VI in
leather products intended for skin contact was introduced in the
EU on the initiative of the Danish Government. In a series of
studies, the epidemiology of chromium allergy and risk factors
in Danish patients with dermatitis were elucidated as a basis for
a future evaluation of the REACH regulation. Furthermore, the
efficacy of a spot test for chromium VI detection was evaluated
and found valid when used on leather and metal articles. The
results are reported in a PhD thesis by David Bregnbak.
Occupational contact dermatitis
Occupational contact dermatitis is a frequent problem and
exposure assessment is challenging. A systematic stepwise ex-
posure assessment, consisting of 6 steps, was developed. Using
this tool, we found additional, relevant allergies in one-third
of patients. In total, 132 different allergens were present in the
work environment and were relevant for the patients’ dermati-
tis. Of these, 103 allergens were not included in the European
baseline series. These findings have been published in a PhD
thesis by Ulrik Fischer Friis.
D ermato -V enereology in the N ordic C ountries
A prospective questionnaire study was conducted among
hairdressing apprentices and young adults from the general
population. The incidence of contact dermatitis, urticarial
and rhinitis symptoms occurring over a 3-year period was sig-
nificantly increased in the hairdressing apprentices. A total of
21.8% of the hairdressing apprentices had left the trade after 3
years, and more than 70.4% of those who left reported doing
so because of disease. These results have been published in a
PhD thesis by Majken Hougaard Foss-Skiftesvik.
Filaggrin, atopic dermatitis and skin barrier research
The skin barrier and individual susceptibility to eczema (atopic
dermatitis and contact eczema) has been studied by analysis of
the 3 common filaggrin gene (FLG) mutations (R501X, 2282del4,
and R3247X). At the department, it was shown that FLG muta-
tions were strongly associated with dermatitis on the hands and
feet in individuals with atopic dermatitis. A history of atopic
dermatitis predicted both incident and persistent hand eczema
in the general population. Self-reported dermatitis, particularly
in individuals with FLG mutations, was significantly associated
with receiving disability pension in the general population.
These results have been published in a PhD thesis by Nina
Glasser Ulrich. Kristiane Aasen Engebretsen has finalized her
PhD thesis on the effects of environmental stressors on the skin
in the context of atopic dermatitis. She has shown how domestic
exposure to hard water as well as winter weather significantly
increased the risk of paediatric atopic dermatitis. Moreover,
by using non-invasive tape strips methods she has been able
to identify molecular changes in the skin following exposure
to hard water, house dust mites, Staphylococcus aureus toxins,
Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018, Vol. 23, No. 2