Ann-Kristin Björk – Patch Testing with Metals with Focus on Gold
In study I the reproducibility in patch testing did not differ on the back , however as the reactivity decreased so did reproducibility .
In study II it was shown that gold can be released to the skin when in prolonged contact , and the release increases with time .
Study III aimed at finding clinical relevance of contact allergy , especially to gold , in patients with lichen sclerosus . No association was found .
Study IV aimed at improving our knowledge on contact allergy to gold in general and possible associations with basic characteristics of the patients such as atopy , sex and age . In
the study there was an association between gold-allergy , age , sex , atopy and facial dermatitis .
List of publications
I . Björk A-K , Bruze M , Engfeldt M , Nielsen Ch , Svedman C . The reactivity of the back revisited . Contact Dermatitis 2016 Sep 4 . doi : 10.1111 / cod . 12657 . [ Epub ahead of print ]
II . Björk A-K , Bruze M , Engfeldt M , Persson L , Lundh T , Svedman C . How much metal is released to the skin during prolonged occlusion of gold objects ? Submitted Contact Dermatitis .
III . Björk A-K , Svedman C , Asplund H , Lingärde S , Hindsén M , Hradil E , Bruze M . Contact allergy and vulvar lichen sclerosus et atrophicus . Immunome Res 2014 : 10 : 2 .
IV . Björk A-K , Bruze M , Edman B , Engfeldt M , Björk J , Lövkvist H , Isaksson M , Pontén A , Svedman C . What can be learnt from patch testing with gold ? A retrospective analysis of consecutive data from 1995 to 2014 . In manuscript .
Permanent Hair Dyes . Exposure , Diagnostics , and Prevention of Contact Allergy
Annarita Antelmi , MD , PhD Department of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology , Skåne University Hospital , SE-214 21 Malmö , Sweden . E-mail : annarita . antelmi @ med . lu . se
Annarita Antelmi , defended on March 10 , 2017 her doctoral thesis “ Permanent hair dyes . Exposure , diagnostics , and prevention of contact allergy ”. Doctoral dissertation series ; 2017:34 , 2017 . Lund . Available from : https :// lucris . lub . lu . se / ws / files / 21393336 / 2017.02.02 _ Thesis _ AA . pdf
The most frequently reported allergens in permanent hair dyes are PPD , 2,5-TDA or 2,5-TDA-S , both categorized as strong skin sensitizers . Recently a new hair dye substance , 2-ME-PPD was introduced with the aim is to decrease the risk of allergic contact dermatitis . PPD is most common in hair dye product sold in central and southern Europe and in non-European countries , while 2,5-TDA-S is more prevalent in northern Europe . Products purchased in Europe and analysed of their content of PPD and 2,5-TDA , never exceeded the limits stated by the European legislation .
Products bought in non-European countries contained higher PPD concentrations and sometimes exceeding the limits of the EC . Hair dyes products can be incorrectly labelled . In spite of the limits of concentrations stated by the EC on permanent hair dyes ingredients , products purchased on Internet or outside Europe can expose consumers and hairdressers to high concentrations of strong contact allergens .
Hairdressers have a high risk to develop hand dermatitis why it is important that they adopt correct preventive strategies as choosing the optimal protective gloves . When considering the diagnostics of contact allergy to permanent hair dyes , PPD 1.0 % in pet . is a better tracer than 2,5-TDA although 2,5-TDA is more
Annarita Antelmi with Professor Giorgio Assennato ( Opponent ), Emeritus of Environmental and Occupational Medicine , Department of Biology , University of Bari , Italy to the left and Associate Professor Cecilia Svedman ( Main Supervisor ), Department of Occupational and Environmental Dermatology , Lund University , Malmö , to the right .
20 Dissertation
Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2018 , Vol . 23 , No . 1