Ellen Mooney and Ismini Vassilaki – NDA Course in Virtual / Digital Dermatopathology , April 27 – 28 , 2017 , Reykjavik
As part of our preparation for this course , we investigated how the different Nordic countries enable their residents to attend various courses by reimbursing registration and travel . We thought it would be useful to include this information here for this and future NDA courses .
In Sweden :
To apply for travel grants from Swedish Society of Dermatology and Venereology ( SSDV ), the Swedish resident must be a member of the association . However , the clinic usually pays for the travel cost as well as the registration fee and the resident keeps full salary during the course .
In Norway :
Travel costs to courses are reimbursed up to 10,000 NOK , per annum , for Norwegian residents , provided the Norwegian Medical Association has approved these courses . The registration fee is usually covered by the clinic . In certain instances , the Norwegian Society of Dermatology and Venereology awards grants to residents to attend a course . In the case of the Nordic Course in Virtual Dermatopathology , they are awarding up to 5 grants of 5,000 NOK each .
In Finland :
The rules that apply appear to be variations on what is listed below :
• There is an annual budget for the academic education / training of physicians , including residents , which is shared equally between all physicians in the clinic .
• Each physician has the right to attend meetings for a certain number of days / year with full salary ( i . e . leave of absence with pay ).
• Additionally , the clinic can pay the travel and lodging costs for academic meetings where the specific physician / resident has a presentation or poster .
In Denmark :
There is only reimbursement for cost relating to the required Danish residency courses .
1 . Backman E . Report from UEMS-EBDV Spring Meeting , Cyprus 2015 . Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2015 ; 20 : 47 – 48 .
2 . Mooney E . A change that will affect our professional lives and improve patient care . Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2015 ; 20 : 43 – 44 .
We welcome you to the Nordic Course in Virtual Dermatopathology .
Fig . 1 . Software Annotations on a Digital slide . To view a dynamic snapshot of a digital slide go to http :// www . nivdp . com / what . htm Virtual Software , see example ( bottom of the page ) or use Adobe Flash Player and browsers listed with the following URL : http :// vdpmaterial . nivdp . com / dsb / webViewer . php ? snapshotId = 1385997412 .
102 NDA Course Forum for Nord Derm Ven 2016 , Vol . 21 , No . 4