NDA Course
NDA Course in Virtual / Digital Dermatopathology April 27 – 28 , 2017 , Reykjavik
Preparation for Future Changes
Ellen Mooney 1 and Ismini Vassilaki 2
Nordic Institute of Virtual Dermatopathology , Hafnarfjörður , Iceland and
Dermipath AB , Stockholm , Sweden
This course will serve as useful preparation for two important future changes :
• European Residency Training Requirements in Dermatology , implemented by the European Board of Dermato-Venereology ( UEMS-EBDV ), which will likely lead to a subsequent requirement for board examinations in dermatology in Europe .
• The pending approval by the US Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ), of whole slide imaging ( WSI ) for routine surgical pathological / dermatopathological diagnosis , to replace diagnosis using conventional light microscopy .
As mentioned in last year ’ s Report from UEMS-EBDV Spring Meeting , Cyprus 2015 , by Eva Backman ( 1 ), the European Board of Dermato-Venereology ( UEMS-EBDV ) is the governing body , which is developing the requirements for specialty training and certification in Europe . Specialists who move between European countries will receive approval of their training and background , based on these requirements . There is a simultaneous effort to design a worldwide curriculum for Dermato-Venereology . Recently the UEMS-EBDV asked their delegates for written comments on a draft of European residency training requirements , which will be implemented in the near future . These requirements will include Histopathology of the Skin as one of the Basic Skills in dermatology residency . Also , dermatopathology of all major disease categories will be listed as a necessary part of dermatology residency training .
The UEMS-EBDV is steadily monitoring which European countries have implemented board exams for specialty approval and there is strong indication a board exam will be required , in order to be able to work throughout other countries in Europe . Currently , Denmark , Sweden , and Norway are among the only countries that have a residency program in dermatology , but do not require a board examination for specialty approval . These nationals have the option of taking the European Board Exam in Dermato-Venereology , run by the UEMS-EBDV , which has a strong emphasis on dermatopathology . that exam , continuous and authentic exposure to dermatopathology during the dermatology residency is required .
In the article from 2015 in Forum for Nordic Dermato-Venereology : A Change That Will Affect Our Professional Lives and Improve Patient Care ( 2 ), Ellen Mooney discussed the fact that the US FDA is expected within the next few years to approve WSI for routine surgical pathological / dermatopathological diagnosis , to replace diagnosis using conventional light micro scopy . Once approved , regulatory agencies in other countries will certainly follow suit . Therefore , as with the change to digital radiological images , digital / virtual dermatopathology will become a worldwide phenomenon . In line with that , the American Board of Dermatology ( ABD ) intends to change entirely to digital slides for use in their board exams by 2020 . The ABD is in charge of the board exam in dermatology and , jointly with the American Board of Pathology , they administer the American board exam in dermatopathology .
The International Committee for Dermatopathology ( ICDP ) collaborates with the UEMS on the ICDP-UEMS International Board Certification Exam in Dermatopathology . In order to sit
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