issues on long trips, Manny went on faith that the Civic would hold up. On the way to a meet while in Atlanta, his Civic lost all its oil. Stranded on the highway broke down, countless cars following them to the meet passed by with no intention of helping them. Even people he thought were friends just kept driving. Eventually they found a parts store after walking for a bit and got the car back on the road. Back at the hotel the next day while everyone went to the show, Manny reflected on what happened the night before and knew he wanted Highway Star Garage to mean something. He wanted Highway Star Garage to be a representation of what the car scene really needed to be like, a brotherhood. Enthusiasts willing to help each other and come together as a community.
Highway Star Garage believes passion should always be over fashion and truth before fame. They believe in doing something
for yourself and not because of what others think of you or what you should do. That’s a strong stance to have, but one that shows character and determination. Highway Star Garage consists of about 15 brothers. Most reside here in Florida, but others reside somewhere in the US and in Japan as well.
Manny states Highway Star Garage isn’t here to offer the car scene anything other than a passion for cars and a way of life in the scene people should live by. He feels the car scene has a lot of maturing to do since most people see it as a popularity contest and not what it should be seen for which is a community of enthusiasts coming together to share one common passion, cars.