Forever Keele Summer 2022 | Page 28

28 | FOREVER Keele

Sophie Lawler

CEO of Total Fitness

After graduating with a degree in Politics and Sociology in 2000 , Sophie Lawler went on to pursue a career in the fitness industry while studying an MA at Manchester University , and never looked back . Now , as the CEO of health club group Total Fitness , she reflects on her time at Keele and gives her advice to current students .
Studying my Bachelor ’ s degree at Keele ignited my love of learning , which has become a key driver throughout my career . I always say that ; learning drives me , and I am driven to learn . It ’ s my belief that an openness and passion for learning makes you unstoppable . When I finished my degree , I didn ’ t feel like I was finished with learning just yet , and also didn ’ t feel quite ready to go into the world of work , so I went on to study a Master ’ s in Politics at Manchester University . Little did I realise that you never really stop learning , and I continue to learn something new every day to this day .
While studying my MA , I decided to pursue my interest in fitness . Having done gymnastics when I was younger and having an interest in the anatomy , I took a job to support my study and completed a distance learning course in fitness coaching . I considered continuing my study to do a PhD , but in the end , took a sales job in a health club .