What technologies and programs are the faculty using to help them engage with their students when they are learning remotely ?
Our faculty primarily use our school learning management system , Schoology , to engage with all of our students -- both hybrid and full remote . Schoology is the central hub where our teachers provide class materials , online assessments , and synchronous class video links through Zoom , Google Meet , or Schoology Conferences . It is also the place where students can engage with videos crafted by their teachers , materials from other reputable educational sources , and use online discussion boards to dialogue with one another in between formal class periods . Our faculty are also using Swivl video conference technology in their classrooms to connect with students learning at home each day , as well as other webcams outfitted in every room in the building . Many teachers completed professional development through the Global Online Academy this summer and fall , and they continue to grow in proficiency with various educational technology platforms including Nearpod , OneNote , Screencast-O-Matic , and Loom , to name a select few .
As students learn remotely , wear masks , and physically distance themselves from each other and from faculty and staff , how is the school ensuring that students continue to make connections and build relationships with those around them ?
Despite the number of changes to the building due to health and safety precautions , there has been a great spirit within our community and you can feel it around the building . Our students , faculty , and staff are grateful and excited to be back at the Prep after many months apart from each other . Soon after academic classes started , fall season sports began on September 21 and activities period was reinstituted on September 30 . Both provide an essential space for our students to make connections and build relationships with each other . We also hosted a retreat for the sophomore Class of 2023 on October 9 , and will continue to implement student programs in faith formation , service , global education , and iSTEAM in the weeks to come , providing our young men with the Fordham Prep experience safely and responsibly in this time of pandemic .
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