We started the school year as early as possible by welcoming our freshmen to orientation on August 25th . From day one , our students have been very cooperative with our safety and health protocols : face coverings at all times , social distancing , proper hand hygiene , and daily health screenings . Our young men have inspired me not only with their willingness to take responsibility for their health and the health of those around them , but they have also been generously willing to engage fully in our hybrid learning model . We also have 146 students who are full remote learners at home , but still deeply involved in their academic studies , co-curricular activities , and athletic practice and competition . Our faculty inspire me each day with their resilience , dedication , and care for our students as they navigate not only a new hybrid model , but also block scheduling , new technology tools , and a commitment for ongoing professional development .
What has inspired you during the first few weeks of the school year ?
What lessons did you learn during the spring remote learning period that you have adapted to this school year ?
Our distance learning period lasted from mid March to early June , encompassing the end of the third quarter and the entire fourth quarter of last academic year . We provided multiple surveys to our students , parents , and faculty in order to ascertain what was working well and what we could improve upon . Our students found value in both synchronous and asynchronous learning experiences , but tended to better appreciate teacher screencast videos that they could return to time and again to review , as well as projects and assessments that they could engage with on their own time . Our parents found value in quality synchronous class lessons and expressed the desire to see more of that if we had to enter the fall with distance learning as a part of our educational program . Our hybrid model this year is built upon our existing master schedule with both 40 and 80 minute class periods , including a regular schedule of courses that provide balance and flexibility for students and teachers .
Joseph A . Petriello , PhD ’ 98