Fordham Preparatory School - Ramview Ramview Winter 2018 | Page 40

Endowment Report 2017

The MBNA Scholarship Fund $ 154,707 total
Established in 2002 by Tim Brosnan ‘ 76 , the purpose of this endowment is “ to help the Prep continue its longstanding tradition of a diverse student community and academic excellence .” Since the MBNA Foundation was established in 1997 , the company has provided $ 25 million in scholarships to more than 1,500 students . MBNA merged with the Bank of America in early 2006 .
Alfred B . Mauro ’ 74 Scholarship Fund $ 57,913 total
Established in 1987 by the family and friends of Al Mauro , this scholarship is awarded to “ a deserving second-year student based on merit , spirit , scholarship and creativity .” Al ran track for the Prep and for Dickinson College . After graduating from the University of Oregon , he posted sub-three-hour marathons in Boston and New York . He finished the NYC Marathon in 2:58 — five days before dying tragically , at age 29 , of a heart attack .
Rev . George D . McAnaney , SJ Scholarship Fund $ 640,821 total $ 100,000 new contributions
Established by his brothers , Joseph , Frank and Edward , to honor Prep faculty member , Father George McAnaney ( who was ordained in 1941 and who died in 1956 ), this endowment is designed “ to help a deserving graduate of Annunciation Parish School in Yonkers , New York ” attend Fordham Prep .
Daniel R . McAuliffe ‘ 68 Scholarship Fund $ 133,411 total
Established in 2008 by Daniel McAuliffe , this fund ’ s aim is “ to increase endowment so that the Prep can offer financial aid to deserving students from diverse backgrounds .” Dan McAuliffe , a graduate of Middlebury College and NYU Stern School of Business , is an independent consultant for DRM Associates , LLC .
John K . McCulloch Scholarship Fund $ 46,551 total
Established in 1999 by Kenneth McCulloch ’ 61 and Kathryn McCulloch Feeney in honor of their father , this endowment is designed “ to help a graduate of either St . Helena ’ s Grammar School or St . Raymond ’ s Grammar School attend Fordham Prep .”
Florence McDonough Scholarship Fund $ 95,112 total
Established in 2004 by the estate of Florence McDonough , this fund adds to endowment “ to help the school educate students as Fordham Prep has done since 1841 .” Florence was the wife of Harry McDonough , a distinguished member of the Prep ’ s mathematics faculty for fifty years .